Tuesday, May 19


I'm sorry if you are blurred by the title even though the picture is kind of blurred and I am soooo adding the blurriness by using the word blur on and on. hahahahah

This flower was also shot at Bukit Cerakah

After we came out of the fridge *okay, I mean the 4 Seasons House*, my lense was totally covered with vapor and without the correct cloth, I wiped it out.

The improper wiping and the unsuccesful cleaning of the kens, I guess made the picture kind of different.

Thus, I thought the picture kind of interesting.

Still blur?

p/s: harmony is also, bliss


  1. itu adalah rhododendron sp... erk. oke. aku hantaam. sarapi, meh ikut aku amek gambo katak. lg chantek dr bunga nih! (^_^)

  2. weh..sarapi..aku nak gi photowalk...yeah~

    aku suka tick kotak ko..haha

  3. fik>
    eh? bukan rhombohedron ke? hahahahaha
    katak! pastu aku cium, dia jadi puteri! hahaha

    nak juge. tapi baru2 ni saye xde masa T-T
    tapi jgn la tick boxer yg mengantuk itu. ia memberi ksan negatif kpd saye. unless ia benar2 mengantukkan :P

  4. aku suka bila ada tick kuar...haha..tick lagi

  5. fik....
    kamu lagi cantik dari katak, mahupun bunga~

    tik lagi

  6. sarapi.. klu ko kiss katak itu mgkin akan bertukar jd kodok dan bkn puteir..uhuh

    wahhah..kazet~ (sipu tersiput katak)+(very doubtful)

    ohh..nmpaknye 3 kotak x ckup..sile sediakan 8 kotak utk di tik tik

  7. thanks to the vapor! it made the pic looks very "dreamy".


I shot. And I nailed it up here.
You clicked. And now you type. Thank you.