Monday, May 25

Tribute to Shiloh

Shiloh (not Brangelina's kid) is a kitten of my neighbour's. She had been the favourite of everyone (my neighbour's family and my family) for she is by far the unique one. She's white, fluffy, has a bouquet of fur at her tail, and she is the lembik-est (most flexible) compared to her siblings.

And she even recognizes her name. Call Shiloh and she comes (I noticed that apparently she recognizes the syllable '-loh'. I tried calling her 'Loh' and 'Mi-Loh' and she still came :D).

However she was found dead last Saturday. We thought maybe she drank air kapur (lime juice) because our house was under minor renovation. Her siblings were quarantined as they worried the other two might go out and drink the same substance.

Left: Her carcass was found under the car and was disposed in the plastic bag, to be buried later
Right: The other two. Raged for they want to be set free. But for me, I thought they were mourning

Let me bring you to a chronology of cute-ness. ngahahaha

This was in February 2009:


Upper: The white fluffy ball
Lower: Mata juling. hahahahah

These, was in March:


Pictures: Playing with the dummy vermint :D

Picture: Playing tag with her mother. Or.. Playing ET? hahaha. Just look at the fur :D

These are the quite latest:


Left: Sometime in April. A random shot
Right: Last week, sometime in the middle of the week. This is her picture few days before her death.

And yeah, most of us are sad since we loved her very much and expected her to produce different gene to her babies :P

As a memorial, below are the shot of her that I like the most:


p/s: God took away something that is very precious to you for He is giving you something that is better.


  1. a ) gambo2 ko aku lihat, sangat unik. anggling sangat nice. it brings out the feeling. nice nice, very nice.

    b) memang apahal tah, sumer kucing comel gitu mata juling...ahahahah...

    c) sejak aku kecik aku bela kucing, and mostly kucing2 yang aku setat ngambik gambo depa...sumernyer hayat pendek. jadi aku pun berenti amik gambo kucing. itu lah pengajaran yang telah saya ambil.

  2. a> huuu mekasih. saye terharu (TuT)
    b> nasib aku x juling. HAHAHAHA
    c> sume org pun kata gtu. tapi siblings shiloh lg 2 org ni pun bnyk aku amik gambar. pape pun aku percaya pasal hayat pendek tu, kalau amik gambar ada flash. :D tengs for shering

  3. gamba chiloh yang last tu nampak 'segak' cam harimau/singa... huhu...teringat kat omei ku yang mati last year...

  4. huhu i lost a cat (Lola) too..December last year. tp bkn mcm Shiloh ni -cause of death x sure, ade a pack of stray dog "kidnapped" die..huhu mmg drama la..ktorg nmpak plak tu anjing2 tu bwk lari..seday woo..

  5. angah>
    gambar tu macam kacak. tp dia adalah girl
    cmana tah. huhu

    kitorg penah ada kucing yg mati yg dipercayai sebab stray dog. ada part of the body tu nmpk cam kene koyak. sadis kan. huhu


I shot. And I nailed it up here.
You clicked. And now you type. Thank you.