Sunday, May 17


First and foremost, no offense, but get that smelly Edward Cullen image hell out of your head immediately, darn it.

I have nothing against him or the movie, but the thing is that, when the movie came out, ALL the remarks that I get from people is "I'd throw myself to him to be sucked (blood, that is)". Sheesh. It's all about the guy. Hence I didn't watch it just yet since there were no people saying about the story. But~ I might watch it IF I feel like following up the chronicles.

And here, is the REAL twilight.

There was one fine day my 'backyard' was stunningly colored with both hot and cold colors. Usually it's either red and orange (hot colors), or blue (cold) and black.

And to picture the real tone, Manual mode is needed, yeah.

And this one is cool where the layerings are continuous :D.

This one, stars are visible! You can actually see the Orion at the darker part of the picture (at least, in my original file that is).

Pictures: One time, the Sun shines you. But the next time, the Sun leaves you in blue.


  1. dun demn suke itu edward..wuhuh..
    tp tamahu jdk vampire..

    nice shots! fantastika~

    p/s: wlpon dpt dilete komen, tp there's mark remain.

  2. saye x deym him. saye cume x suke feedback dari manusia lain ttg crite itu :P

    saye dah tlg delete. hehe

  3. sorry..I can't help it. the image of Edward Cullen is soooo synonym with the word Twilight now! :P u should watch the movie. i mean, it's a weird love story and yet so sweet.

    about the pix - breathtaking.


I shot. And I nailed it up here.
You clicked. And now you type. Thank you.