Tuesday, September 15


Ok, I should've nailed this up like, ages ago.

Busy melayan perasaan yg tak pernah pergi terawih siot (Terawih? Dusta. NGAHAHAHA)

It was in the early days of Ramadhan when the NAP (KL Branch) gathered to buka baju dan seluar puasa. Ok, no pictures of the gangbang since it is not the topic. ho heh

So we dropped by Helly's house and found out they have two creatures worthy to be squeezed. NGAHAHAAHA

The living ball Bebey

And the hairy Zecchan cat number 2. ngeee

A point to share, is if you ever take a photo of a cat, off your build-in flash.

The thing is that, there's a saying, if you take pictures of your cat, it will die sooner.

Well I don't really believe (or even ever heard of!) the stand-alone statement until a good friend of mine said, if you frequently do that (take pictures with flash), the cat might think having to face strong lights is safe. So imagine they walk around crossing the roads at night. They might think the incoming two lights of metal giants are safe!

Ok, bahasa melayu. Weh. jangan amik gamba dengan flash dowh. Nanti kang dia biasa ngan lampu gitu, dia ingat lampu kreta tu selamat! Haa kan senang cakap gini HOY hahahahaha

I guess sometimes I DO need explaination for everything. Dasar budak sains. T-T

p/s: Can you tell what's da time at Zecchan's watch? Jam tangan dia spesel tuh. ngahahahahaha

1 comment:

  1. Pukul 10.40? Haha aku still tak paham konsep jam kazet, aritu explain pun aku paham 5 saat lepas tu lupa balik. haha.


I shot. And I nailed it up here.
You clicked. And now you type. Thank you.